How to Calculate Metal Balustrade Order

This guide will help you understand what is required for your new balustrade system. Our team are always on hand to answer any questions on 0800 6124 965.

Balustrades are between 800mm and 1400mm in height. They generally will sit 100mm above ground level (either on a balcony, edge of decking etc). If you’re looking for metal work that sits on a wall, see Metal Railings.

Metal Posts

There are 3 different post types. Start/ end post, centre (or run) post and corner post. Then there are different types of post depending on your mounting option. These include:

  • Bolt Down: Used on hard ground such as concrete, decking etc.
  • Below Ground: Dug into the ground and secured using postcrete.
  • Face Mounted: Bolted to side of wall – usually on raised platform/ balcony.

Start/ End Post


Centre Post

Bolt-down-corner-metal-post (1)

Corner Post

Start/ End Post

As name suggests, this is the post you would start a run with or end a run with.

Centre (or run) Post

Connects balustrades in a straight run. Pre welded lugs either side of the post to create a straight run of balustrades.

Corner Post

Connects a straight run of balustrades to create an “L” shape.

Typical Balustrade Set up Examples

  • CENTRE (or run) POST
  • Balustrade icon BALUSTRADE

Calculating your Balustrade

So you know where you’d like your new balustrades so what’s next? We want all the balustrades to be equal size and need posts in between to secure.

For a Straight Run

First, take a measurement of the overall width.

Example (for a straight run): width = 6m 230mm

Maximum width of balustrade is 1m 830mm. So, take the 6m 230mm and divide by 1m 830mm.

6230 ÷ 1830 = 3.4

Round the number up. So 3.4 we need 4 balustrades.

If starting and ending with a post, the number of posts required is always one more than the balustrades.

  • 3 balustrades = 4 posts
  • 4 balustrades = 5 posts
  • 5 balustrades = 6 posts (and so on)

Each post is 40mm in width. I need 4 balustrades and 5 posts. Reduce 200mm off overall width (5 x posts at 40mm).

6m 230mm – 200mm (for posts) = 6m 030mm

Now divide 6m 030mm by 4 (number of balustrades needed).

1m 507mm. This would be an exact measurement. There is 10mm adjustment either side of the balustrade where it meets the post. You can be shorter but not longer. We would recommend reducing each balustrade width by 10mm so you have some play so each balustrade is 1m 497mm.

Balustrade-set-up-example straight run

Posts Needed

For a straight run with 4 balustrades, 5 posts are required.

  • (2x) Start/ End Posts
  • (3x) Centre/ Run Posts

Balustrade Height

When selecting height of balustrade this is the actual size of the balustrade without taking into account the gap from ground level to bottom edge of balustrade. We recommend having a gap of 100mm from ground level to bottom edge. So if you wanted an overall height of 1m 100mm (ground level to top of balustrade), select a balustrade height of 1m.


What's the ground clearance for a balustrade?

We recommend 100mm gap between ground level and bottom edge of balustrade. If purchasing posts, the lugs will be set to allow for this size gap. The gap can be increased or decreased if needed (call to order).

What's the gap between bars?

Depends on design. No design has bars more than 99mm apart.

How is the height of the balustrade calculated?

It’s the actual size of the balustrade and does not include the gap from ground level to bottom edge of balustrade.

For example. If you wanted an overall balustrade height of 1m 100mm then you would purchase the balustrade at a height of 1m.

How do I work out what size balustrades I need?

First, take a measurement of the overall width.

Example (for a straight run): width = 6m 230mm

Maximum width of balustrade is 1m 830mm. So, take the 6m 230mm and divide by 1m 830mm.

6230 ÷ 1830 = 3.4

Round the number up. So 3.4 we need 4 balustrades.

If starting and ending with a post, the number of posts required is always one more than the balustrades.

  • 3 balustrades = 4 posts
  • 4 balustrades = 5 posts
  • 5 balustrades = 6 posts (and so on)

Each post is 40mm in width. I need 4 balustrades and 5 posts. Reduce 200mm off overall width (5 x posts at 40mm).

6m 230mm – 200mm (for posts) = 6m 030mm

Now divide 6m 030mm by 4 (number of balustrades needed).

1m 507mm. This would be an exact measurement. There is 10mm adjustment either side of the balustrade where it meets the post. You can be shorter but not longer. We would recommend reducing each balustrade width by 10mm so you have some play so each balustrade is 1m 497mm.

What posts do you offer?

We offer a full range of metal posts for all balustrade set ups. Our team are on hand to answer any questions on 0800 6124 965.

How are the balustrades fitted together?

Each corner connects to either a post (on pre welded lugs) or “L” brackets if going to a wall. Fixings are suppied to connect balustrade to lugs or “L” brackets.

Please note: If you are using “L” brackets, fixings are not supplied to connect “L” bracket to wall.

For more information, see “How to Fit Metal Balustrades“.

My wall is staggered, how would I calculate what I need?

Easiest way is to send us a sketch diagram. Posts can be set at different heights to accommadate them.

Do you offer galvanising?

We don’t offer galvanising as this can cause damage to the balustrades. We offer a “long life” system. Our long life system provides the ultimate protection against rust and chips. Sand blasted after production then a zinc primer is applied followed by a smoother, thicker top coat.

Difference between standard finish and long life?

Standard finish (included with the balustrade) will require more attention over time. We would recommend even giving the balustrade an extra coat of protection on arrival. Our long life system gives you a lot more protection against rust and chips.

We would still recommend inspecting both finishes over time and touch up any areas that have been scratched or chipped.

Building Regulations for Metal Balustrades

None of our balustrade designs have bars more than 99mm apart. As per building regs, we recommend a height of 1100mm if drop to floor is more than 600mm (raised decking, balconies etc). If purchasing bolt to ground posts this would be a balustrade height of 1000mm (as ground floor to bottom edge of balustrade is 100mm).  For inerior balustrades, overall height should be between 900mm and 1000mm.